forum Describe an arc in your story/your novel without context
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Basically the character arc without context, but instead it’s that story as a whole.

Here are some of mine:

End of Time
Woman receives knowledge from giant space worm on jungle planet
Humans say “hi guys,” everyone else says “get those rats away from me”
Space hybrid baby shows up on earth, is raised by the very person supposed to destroy her kind
Robot makes horrible puns
Glowing serpent runs a business, is actually reasonable
Big alien dragon has a “little” disagreement with his alien serpent brother
”if you don’t stop taking my bounties I will put a bounty on you myself”
Big lizard has mites, humans destroy mites but continue attacking big lizard
Man is influenced by world eating shadow thing, shadow thing is actually chill
Siblings have normal childhood for their species

Nothing, Something, and Anything (three stories, but I put them together)
Man leaves camp, gets dragged into nonsense, dies
Humans return, get hunted, make alliances
”this is for killing the guy in the first book”

Possession of the Mind
Girl meets her inner demon who’s kind of sad
Inner demon is really feral, gets in trouble
They become one mind, scream, then leave the area
They sleep

Era of Giants
Big reptile mom gets mad after little humans steal egg

Deleted user

Ok, so I got a few stuff on my comic that I got planned and this sort of spoils it but I´ll try to be as vague as possible with those… (also, titles not official, just a way of describing the whole thing…)
Fae trial
A team of weirdos gets a new member, some fae cause masive murder, masive murder leads up to the main team looking for everyone´s alcoholic uncle, alcoholic uncle has beef witht the fae, the fae want to kill alcoholic uncle, team of weirdos has to figure out what to do.

Possesed freaking dolls
Weirdo boss and dust weirdo have flashbacks, team gets dragged into an old case, old case seems like a bunch of possesed dolls, it ends up in a big magical conspiracy cult thing.

Vampire clan is ruining every legal blood provider´s bussiness, team get´s dragged to New Orleans, recruits someone, goes to San Francisco, gets trapped into old factory, beats the crap out of some italian mafia vampires and gets documents talking about someone´s long distant cousin.

Talking trees
Old secluded town is doing shady stuff, has a plane crashing problems, people dissapear, tree ladies and tree lady boss are abducting people and have something againts visitors… and plains.


This is fun, I like it xD Here are a few of mine! I like to pose them as newspaper headings xD

Weapon Twenty-Four Books 1-3
Girl is so stupidly lucky she exposed her enemy's cook
Man falls on face, starts civil war
Old people time travel, young people say "what the frick."

Woman almost gets killed by a fictional character, wife says "Oops"
Man forgets how to gravity, gets stuck
Teen sees the deer. There should not be deer. Why is there deer?

Boys explore old property, get drafted in war
Weasel has regrets, being weasel one of them

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

The Raphael Series (working title)
- The main character is introduced. Proceeds to be a side character for the rest of the series.
- A bunch of sparkly magical teens turn out to be a family, accumulating an impossible amount of siblings over time.
- The "bad guy" never did a single thing the heroes didn't explicitly ask him to do.
- Sebastian Thorne. EVERYBODY hates him and he deserves it.
- Uh-oh, the humans are here. Party's over.

Scrapper Street
- Very rich man DESPERATELY wants to be the good guy. He ends up kidnapping three teenagers, lying to literally everyone, and blowing up the super-secret underground lab he made for weaponizing children.
- OP homeless street fighter realizes he would rather fix cars than bust heads.
- Girl just wants to rescue her little brother, ends up making friends with every lowlife in the city and uniting them with the Power of Friendship.

The Deorn Hunters (working title)
- Everything is terrible but only for the humans, so nobody cares.
- Ace man has a HORRIBLE childhood, is able to run an animal-control business and also stay single his entire life, becomes a legend because of it.
- Precious bi man falls in love twice. Is told he's not allowed to both times. By the same person.
- Forty-Something Trash with an Attractive Man Bun gets told to shove it, holds a grudge, bullies his little brother into going back for revenge with him. He forgets that he has one strike left with a 700-year-old witch girl and gets his soul atomized for insulting a lady before he can even fight his enemies.

Ambassador Squad (webcomic):
- Boy doesn't believe in aliens. Gets kidnapped by aliens. But it's OKAY because the aliens are FRIENDLY! cough and hugely incompetent cough


Not sure why this thread isn't the most popular on NB, but I'm here to do more of it with some updates to some of my stories:

Eternal Foundation Universe
Career military man shows up in way too many books, never plays the same role twice
One person goes missing: president goes insane and breaks America
Russia throws in the political towel and becomes a nation full of preppers
America in disarray, fighting itself. Fighting promptly ceases after six teenagers say: "Stop it"
Florida man chilling on random island has no idea what's happening, listens to other Florida man ghost in his head and starts swimming back to shore, 1000 miles away
Three groups struggle for power: Who they are, and why the rest of America say they just chillin'.
One man wants to create a foundation to save them all. Most valued member candidate say she out.
General punches other general in the face, breaks his beautiful face, gets sued over damages.
America's last hope: A group of heros who can't stop arguing about the validity of janitors

VV Cephei Titan
Soft boi murder man gets a mom, mom tells him murder is bad, he is confused
Science monster finds kitten in rubble, brings it home and names it F i r e
Lead scientist tries to smuggle her 9ft monster son out of lab without being caught, gets caught
In America, you hug son. In Sciencey Australia, Son hug you

Jerk chemist is jerk, but then karma's also a jerk, and now she's permanently on fire

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I only have one arc planned out so far, but here it is anyway

Ruined Earth
Factory Girl and her brother exist
Factory friend dies
Parents are mean so Factory Girl puts them in a coma somehow
Factory Girl and her brother find an explanation
Turns out Factory Girl was part of a government experiment
Time to go to a different planet and find a helper person

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I found more lol
The Discovery:
Scientist finally tells the world that he's proven the existence of magic, then does a mic drop and leaves them to deal with said magic while he enjoys his retirement. Humans panic, magical races panic, some gods get involved, it's very messy.
The Deornian War:
The adventures of a monster family doing everyday life tasks, but very angrily.
Dublin Tree-Hugger:
Centaur boi might possibly be the messiah sent to herald the end of days, but he's too busy drawing with crayons to be bothered with that stuff.
Selda (working title):
Enslaved cyborg girl befriends her alien overlords and gives them hugs. Potential boyfriend tries to convince her to start a revolution, she says no and hugs him too. Boyfriend is confused and frustrated. Aliens are confused and vaguely afraid.
The Arc Testament:
Teenage human proves to be so monumentally emo that even the gods are impressed and ask her to become one of them.
Seeds and Stones:
Young prehistoric girl goes on a journey to find her missing parents, simultaneously starting a tribe with a recluse, a goofball, his feral little sister, and a toddler that speaks Coyote. In the end they realize her parents are living in the massive 21st-century city across the mountains. They decide they prefer prehistoric life and go back home.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Fire Blanket
5 teenage boys wonder the country trying to cure cancer. They meet the embodiment of cancer. 2 of them end up in jail.

@geekydino group

Paladin of the Moon 1-3

1- Moonfall
King dies, forgot to give magic to other guy
Other guy's like "so bye i guess"
Different country says "free real estate"
Tiny person must drag Other Guy back to kingdom

2- Aubade
Nature befriends a runaway trauma survivor
Herd parenting of runaway trauma survivor
Heist but everybody loses

3- Starling
Super surprising twistTM
Adopting the runaway trama survivor

Deleted user

Sarcastic teenager has trust issues, doesn't trust the other sarcastic teenager, but that's okay because, the other one was probably going to kill them anyways. But she decides not to so she can kill the swordfighting teenager later.

Crazy lady kills everyone who looks at her funny. Everyone decides she can't be queen.