forum Collaboration?
Started by @Crisis

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SO. I have the idea, the basic plot, some of the characters made already, but I'd like to collaborate with someone, maybe a few people. If anyone is interested I'll explain the plot a little bit.


Well, it takes place in the 1920's. The main character is Sari Helen Daysburough. Her parents are abusive alcoholics. One day when Sari was six, she got injured by her parents drunk friends. She was left in the mud and found by John Woodcarver, who takes her to the doctor and keeps her for the night. When Sari goes back home she starts writing letters to John everyday, and when her parents die of alcohol poisoning he takes her in. The middle part of the story is him raising her, and her growing from shy and quiet to loud and boisterous, picking fights with the town boys daily. Then when she's twenty one she disguises herself as a man and joins the army to fight in a war (that didn't happen irl) and she dies
The end is John mourning her


Alright. Do you want to make a private chat so we can discuss it a little more, and I'll add you to the doc later?