forum Announcement *sigh*
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

These people:
I am sorry, but after today I will not be on anymore and thus deleting my account. BUT! I will be on for today and only today and then at 11:59(Just like all my virtual assignment due dates) I will be gone. BUT! I am doing this of my own free will will. No one is forcing me. Why? That is a secret. Thank you for role playing with me though. It was fun! I might come back. idk

Deleted user

BRO IT WILL NOT LET ME DELETE MY ACCOUNT! All I see is era whenever I try to delete my account. Until I figure this out I guess I'm staying

Deleted user

the universe is trying to tell you something lmao but hey, good luck dude, you'll be missed

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! I'm heckin' late but this makes me sad…
Sowwy to see you go Lucy!
Also if you need help with account deletion just talk directly to the site god.

Deleted user

So, I have tried everything when I say everything I mean everything. Nothing I do works. SO I have decided once I finihsed all my rps because I don't want to just leave it halfway through. Once I finished those no more rps that is the conclusion I have come to lol

Deleted user

XD I became so formal. When did that happen, I kid you not I have never used the world conclusion in anything like ever. Maybe in a science project but never when I'm writing for just talking