forum Alright y'all what's the problem?
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Hey it's Sly, Notebook.AI Father extraordinaire and King of the sneks

If you need any help with characters, magic, locations, or just writing, I'll try and help you here!


So I'm trying to write an outline for this book
But every time I write the outline, it completely swerves off the plot
Like how–why is there a bombing in the outline their aren't even bombs in this universe
And also I can't figure out why the queen captured this wizard
I've confused myself
I don't even know anymore



Don't start out with a full blown outline

Write a one sentence description about the character, the goal, and the conflict

Then work your way from there

It'll be hard

but it'll work


Hey! So I'm writing a character and I'm afraid that she doesn't seem realistic. Are there any ways to tell if a character seems realistic or not? Also if she isn't realistic how do I make her more seem more realistic?


Hey, Sly is out for a while, but I could try to help?

A realistic character has depth and (no pun intended)character. Give her flaws, motivations, give her a secret. Give her goals. She can't be perfect. Give her a cute little quirky thing. A mannerism, a hobby, just something that makes her unique.

Okay that doesn't really help a lot, but if you want more help it would probably be easier for me to help you if I knew more about why you think she isn't realistic.


Thanks! I think she's not realistic because I have the basics but I can't come up with much more than the basics, she doesn't seem to have any more to her than an outline and it's hard for me to imagine her as a person.