forum What are your FAVORITE things you see in fantasy worlds? Whether from a book, tv show, movie, anime, etc.
Started by @garden0f3den group

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@garden0f3den group

I'm writing a fantasy story and I just want to know what some of your favorite things to see in a fantasy world are. It can be about world building, characters, little details, scenes that give you chills (good or bad), ALL THE GOOD STUFF!!

@sock group

I really like magic rocks for some reason, especially enchanted jewelry. There's just something really fun and cool about them.

@King-in-Yellow group

Ok, so Hunter X Hunter has something that is cool and stuff.
So, the characters are all different, You wouldn't get a repeat of a character and I love that because that means you wouldn't get a repeat and a boring character because he acts like a different character.

The land they live on is just inland in a giant giant giant lake name land Mobius. That's what I like to see, a brand new world, where anything can happen. So, new land and new creatures.

Little details like each character having some way related to the others. Or how they call back events that are small events.

Scenes when you see one of the main villains. He has music that will make you think of god or satan. The way he stares at you with a blank face and only a little smile

Sorry about bad grammar

@Reblod flag

Legendary mythical creatures, mysterious leviathans, and developed pantheons of gods
Also interesting cultures and traditions is good too
And stories within the world likes legends, ancient epics, and common bed-time stories

I think they add depth and intrigue to a world that makes it feel more genuine
And ancient gargantuan beasts are just awesome

@Pizzaz11 group

When they have mythical creatures that don't already exist in mythology- like, when they don't use the stereotype werewolves or vampires when mythical creatures are in the story


Just. Alphonse Elric. Big softie characters that look like they should be the strong silent type but are actually gigantic softies and don't even try to act otherwise?? Yes please dlsaknv

Like it works in realistic stuff but in fantasy it's even Better because instead of "he looks like he could throw me across the football field" it's something like "why are his claws so big?? that armor is fucking terrifying and–oh??? he cuddles stray cats?????" like DJSKLVDNVSV

@Pizzaz11 group

Just. Alphonse Elric. Big softie characters that look like they should be the strong silent type but are actually gigantic softies and don't even try to act otherwise?? Yes please dlsaknv

Like it works in realistic stuff but in fantasy it's even Better because instead of "he looks like he could throw me across the football field" it's something like "why are his claws so big?? that armor is fucking terrifying and–oh??? he cuddles stray cats?????" like DJSKLVDNVSV

:0000 yesss. I love those big tall hulking characters who look scary but are actually the biggest softies and don't like fighting, it's just- I don't know why I love those kinds of characters


I'm partial to fantasy stories that have fleshed out lore––particularly about various species, their culture, history, biology, and their place in the world. It's important that the sentient species aren't bound by weird behavioral tropes that we often see in fantasy media (like "all orcs are brutish" or "all elves are refined").

I also love when authors use a more scientific take on religions and mythical creatures (incorporating basic biology and evolution), it makes the world feel more real to me, I guess, but it isn't a necessity. Sometimes things can just be magic.

One final thing: I find it more interesting when magical characters have to draw upon their own energy, or that of magical objects, in order to use their power––rather than having them manifest it from nowhere. This kinda ties into the "scientific magic" thing. Conservation of energy and all.

Deleted user

Unique in depth world building. Like, a fantasy world that isn't just generic, like it has unique flora and fauna, and really cool magic system, something that's more then just a basic spells and elements.

@AnxietyGremlin group

Unique plots/ plot twists. I know that sounds stupid but hear me out. I love seeing an idea I've never seen before. Like say it's an adventure story. Generic main goals are save a person, find a treasure, slay a dragon, stuff like that. But what I'm talking about is like find a magic flower on a request because a characters wife is sick, and instead of the flower being gaurded, it's just a huge inconvenience to have. Or you fall into a cave and find something cool. you go to an inn and the innkeeper offers a trade. you deny, but when you go to get it after leaving, the sneaky innkeeper took it.