forum Messenger Systems
Started by @Hummingbird_Goat

people_alt 83 followers


Fantasy/ Renessaince genre. What is a good system for sending messengers? Owls have been done. Ravens have been done. Humans are good, but fraught with woes. I was thinking of a relay system with greyhounds. Hounds go from one town to the next and back. So hound 1 goes from Capital to town A and back. Another hound goes from town A to town B and back. Et cetera. The hounds then rest at their destination and only return when a message is sent back. I would send people too depending on the importance of the message. A letter to your great Aunt Matilda would be sent by a human carrier.


This idea is pretty cool! It reminds me alot of the husky sleds that used to take medicines through small towns in snowy areas. So maybe not just greyhounds but maybe dogs in general, based on terrain? And maybe dog TEAMS at that. (HEY I'm new btw so I don't really know what to do other than try and build on your idea.)