forum I need help making a song and having lyrics in it
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Deleted user

I have one line done:
"You're the savior we need, but you work for the devil."

@Anemone eco

Hmm. Well, a start would definitely be knowing that. I don't think just throwing yourself into song-writing will help you any. After all, you're still telling a story nevertheless. And people who tell stories don't write because they want to tell a story, they write because they have a story to tell.

Deleted user

They're rebelling against the people in charge, and the one telling the story is a rebel

@Anemone eco

They're rebelling against the people in charge, and the one telling the story is a rebel

Okay. What exactly is important about this rebellion? What happens that makes it important to be remembered? What feels are going around? What is the setting like? Why was this "you" person so important?

Deleted user

They're trying to make the world a better place, There's felling of anger. The setting is apocalyptic, and the reason why they were important is because they were the leader of the rebellion

@Anemone eco

Interesting. Though I do have a few things to ask:

People try to make the world a better place everyday. Almost none of them really stand out or have a name. So what makes this different? What exactly was so bad about what they're rebelling against that it will make the world a better place? Are there any other feelings? Why are they angry? How did the setting get to be the way it did? How does the rebel feel about it? Why did the "you" person leave?

Deleted user

Their government (the thing they're rebelling against) is corrupt to the point that North Korea seems awesome in comparison. No one knows how. Who wouldn't be angry if their government was more corrupt that North Korea's?
They want to fix it. The person didn't leave, they died for their cause.

@Anemone eco

I see. Well, I'll ask this. How has said corruption affected the rebel? There have to be people not against it, so why is the rebel against it? What exactly makes the government mentioned worse than North Korea? Since you listed no other feelings, I'll assume the rebel is angry at everything, including the death of the other. Is that correct?