forum Asking for advice: Magic system ideas
Started by @TheWholeShebang group

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@TheWholeShebang group

Hey y'all, I wanted to pose a quick question about an idea for a magic system and see if anyone wanted to weigh in. My world Yonderdale is populated with intelligent woodland creatures and exists in the post-apocalyptic fallout of humanity. "Magic" in this world is actually human technology that the residents perceive as magical. I wanted to see if this sounded like an interesting idea to anyone, and if you have any ideas about how this can be applied or how it would affect the world, please feel free to comment! Thanks for your help!

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

This is actually a pretty good idea. Historically, science was considered magic for the longest time. So, you can actually do a lot with your idea. Depending on how advanced the technology is in your world, it could be anything from a medieval doctor being called a wizard/witch (which did happen in history, especially with midwives and herbalists) to a modern electrician being called a lightning sorcerer to an advanced astronomer being named a prophet because he can predict when/where a meteor storm will pass by.