forum zombie gang!
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

people_alt 82 followers

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Im torn between sending rachel to min hyuk, or like Evan? becuase i kinda want Rachel and jax to have a chance to interact again.

Hey question, you still planning on sending Rachel to Min-Hyuk? Or Evan to him? Cause if not I was gonna have Jake stumble into him but if you are then no worries! I’ll figure something else out :)

Oh, yeah I was.

@Dayzed forum

both of you could! i think that'd be so fun!!

cool beans! that'll prolly be my next reply then

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(hi, is this open?)

this is a group chat for a roleplay we're all in. If you're talking about the rp then yes it is open. If you're interested in joining id love a writing sample from you!

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Evan Arden
Age: 18
Gender/pronouns: Male/ He/him
Sexuality: Straight
Shipping: He's probably the easiest to approach in terms of relationship, so sure.

He is around 6'3ft in height and 145 lbs. in weight. He used to have white hair, but he hasn't bleached it and touched up his roots in a long time, and so now it's more of black roots leading into gray hair. His hair is short and doesn't go past his ears. He's pale-skinned, in contrast with his dark hair. He has dark chocolate brown eyes, and they always have a soft look to them. he's on the decently strong side and has some muscle to him. He's always wearing a sweatshirt and some jeans. He has hearing aids that hide mostly behind his earlobe and a small plug like a Bluetooth earbud inside his ear.

Personality: He's super sweet and very kind to people. He is very much a soft-hearted man and wants to just be nice to everyone, making sure everyone is doing well. He rarely suspects people of anything bad to the point that it can have a negative impact. He puts others before himself in almost every opportunity, he is the type of person who would much rather fight someone with the power of friendship and not weapons. He's a pacifist and doesn't like hurting people or killing animals. (he still eats meat though, so he is not a vegetarian) He can get mad at people, but only when he's lost his patience and is at his wit's end. He doesn't like getting mad at people. He is great at communicating emotionally with other people's emotions but not his own. He has some issues, and well he doesn't take rejection very well…but he wouldn't show it because he doesn't want to bother people with his emotional struggles.

Backstory: heh, if you really want to know, just ask him. Hes litterally an open book.


(hi, is this open?)

this is a group chat for a roleplay we're all in. If you're talking about the rp then yes it is open. If you're interested in joining id love a writing sample from you!

I would love to see a sample


Jared stood over the edge frozen in horror, he peered over cautiously checking for some kind of ledge that the child could have landed on. Finding no ledge and not being able to see any of the roots that they had climbed onto he began to panic. A rustle came from in the forest, in Jared's panic he grabbed a somewhat small stick from the ground and turned around. His Saint Bernard, named Brutus, ran up to him with something in its mouth.

"Oh, Brutus it's just you!" his voice was shaking but he still sounded joyful to see his mutt "Whats that in your mouth?" Brutus had a rodent of some kind, it had a sort of strange familiarity to it like he had seen it before. The rodent was still alive, luckily, but it was injured from Brutus's teeth. "Brutus, drop it." his voice turned stern and stopped shaking as much as before but he still sounded a little panicked. Brutus tilted his head, not fully in confusion but almost as if he was asking "But I caught something for you?". Jared looked his fluffy pal in the eyes and said "Brutus, you did good but I need you to drop it for me, this animal could be sick so its not good to eat.". He, of course, was lying to the dog, but Brutus put it down anyways.

The rodent didn't move but as it laid on the ground still breathing Jared knew exactly how he knew it, "This is the kids…" he whispered to himself one eyebrow was raised the other curved down in confusion "That would mean…" He looked up at Brutus "Did you see a kid?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

I like it! How active are you on here?

Im so sorry, i got busy today. Pretty active when i can remember to stay on but i leave the tab open to remember chats

alright you can join! You can post your character(s) on here and ill get to adding them to the list lol

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Hey guys so another little thing!
When we do the 6 month time skip, we should talk about whether or not the people the characters split up or stayed together in a group. And when we should do the skip

@Pizzaz11 group

Cool cool 💪

Also- quick questions, can animals become zombies. Like…idk, maybe a cat? 🤨

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Cool cool 💪

Also- quick questions, can animals become zombies. Like…idk, maybe a cat? 🤨

so we're going by TWD logic. So no animals cannot turn into zombies lmao

@Pizzaz11 group

Sounds ab right lol, thanks for the clarification 🙏 i haven't watched twd so that's why I didn't rlly know