forum zombie apocalypse book help
Started by Morgann

people_alt 3 followers


can anyone help me know if there were a zombie apocalypse, what electrical stuff would stop working, specifically a train or trolly

@Becfromthedead group

Depends. If people are still operating and maintaining said things, despite there being a zombie apocalypse, sure. If the cities are entirely abandoned, probably not, unless one of your characters knows how to use said things. If you're in a late stage apocalypse, the chance of those things still being worked and maintained is a lot lower.


thanks !, what about solar or wind power, as if a train (specifically an electric) wouldnt need constant assistance, would it break down eventully and after how long.

@Becfromthedead group

I don't have exact numbers, but presumably, everything electric is going to need maintenance. For a train or a trolley, you'd definitely have issues following a major storm or other natural disaster, but assuming weather patterns are normal and there are no seismic events or heavy winds between the time maintenance stopped and this point in your story, you might be okay.
(Another thing: railroad tracks can last from 3-100+ years depending on activity. Those on the lower end will be bends in the railroad that have a lot of traffic.)
How many years would you like it to be between the start of the zombie apocalypse and this part of your story? From there, I can probably help you figure out what's reasonable.