forum Your nightmare experiences with humans.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Starfast group

When you said worthless managers I immediately thought of the two vets that I used to work for. I left after working there because:

  • Pay was awful. When you work as a vet assistant, the pay is not going to be great. I was getting paid minimum wage (around $10 CAD at the time) which isn't unheard of but I only got paid once a month (and I'm not 100% sure that's allowed)
  • I worked 7 hour shifts and never got a lunch break (I was allowed to eat quickly when things were quiet but you're supposed to get a 30 minute break).
  • One of my coworkers actually was one of my classmates in my VA program. One of the doctors said to my face that he was a better employee than me.
  • One time the doctor noticed that one of the anesthesia monitoring sheets had been filled out incorrectly. He immediately told me that I had done it wrong. I pointed out that it was filled out on a Monday (I never worked mondays) but it was only the girl who actually filled it out and said it was her who did it that he actually believed me.
  • The doctor's always added an extra $10 to any medications that were under $50. It was my first time working in a vet clinic, so I never said anything about it but looking back that was shady as hell.
  • We were always super short staffed. At most, we had 3 vet assistants and 1 vet. That probably doesn't sound too bad but when things got super busy it was hell.
  • We were open til 10 pm. Who brings there pets in for an appointment that late, you ask? NOBODY. LITERALLY NOBODY. Most of the calls we got were for emergencies but at that point we'd have to refer them to the emergency clinic anyways so there was literally no point to being open that late.
  • There was one time where our printer got jammed. While trying to fix it, me and my coworker (same guy who was also my classmate) were trying to decide who should take the fall for it even though it wasn't any of out faults. We were kinda joking, but if whatever asshat doctor who found out that the printer wasn't working he would try to blame us even though it wasn't really anyone's fault. I don't have those kinds of conversations at my current job because the doctors don't abuse the staff.

Deleted user

My father needs to stop it. My mum left him a few months ago, he tried for a day to be a better person, then quit.
I'm done with him.

@HighPockets group

Once when my friend and I were working (we were both 14 at the time), we were getting ready to start closing down the restaurant, and so we were going to check on the people still at the tables and see if they needed anything. You know, our job. And my friend went up to this dude at a table and asked if he needed anything and he just snaps "Yeah, take the fucking plates!" and shoved them at her. She was kinda scared so she told me and I said we should tell the manager, but we were both new and scared to, so we didn't. Then I went around to see if anyone needed anything/if I could take plates, and the guy was on his way out, and the asshole threw his fucking receipt at me. For no reason. While I was holding a stack of dirty plates and unable to catch it.
Probably my worst experience with humans.