forum Your Hogwarts house!!
Started by @jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

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Slitherpuff I'm more of a Ravenclaw but also a slytherin

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I'm a Slytherin!
Pottermore gave me a mixture of answers though, mostly Gryfindor and Slytherin

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Outwardly, I am Hufflepuff. But my true thoughts are 100% Slytherin.


Ravenclaw, according to Pottermore. At first, I didn't see why, but the more I examined myself… Yeah, it kinda makes sense.


Oh yikes. I used to be super into Harry Potter and always considered myself to be a Ravenclaw, but then over the years I started thinking I was a Hufflepuff, then I thought maybe I was a mix of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, then I felt sure that I was definitely a Slytherpuff, and then I said no scratch that I’m just a Hufflepuff, and then I thought I had made up my mind that I was just a Slytherin masquerading as a Hufflepuff, and now I have no idea. I’ve thought I was all the houses except Gryffindor. Pottermore has said I was a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor (I took the quiz twice), but most common quizzes categorize me as Hufflepuff. I feel like I relate to Slytherins more though? Every time I think about my Hogwarts House I have an existential crisis, I’m so sorry

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

I still dunno which house I think I'm in. Pottermore says Ravenclaw, and yeah, I can see that, but I'm not thattt smart. I'm more of a jack of all trades, master of none, kind of person. I think I'm probably more of a Slytherin, but like, a somewhat nice Slytherin. I'd 100% be for sure Slytherin if I said whatever I thought outloud


I still dunno which house I think I'm in. Pottermore says Ravenclaw, and yeah, I can see that, but I'm not thattt smart. I'm more of a jack of all trades, master of none, kind of person. I think I'm probably more of a Slytherin, but like, a somewhat nice Slytherin. I'd 100% be for sure Slytherin if I said whatever I thought outloud

I get you man, that’s like exactly how I feel

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Ravenclaws are more "jack of all trades" than slytherins are. I forget who said it(it was Maddie), but someone (Maddie) mentioned that Slytherins work toward a specific goal and gather information required, while Ravenclaws gather all the general information they can

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Ravenclaws are more "jack of all trades" than slytherins are. I forget who said it, but someone mentioned that Slytherins work toward a specific goal and gather information required, while Ravenclaws gather all the general information they can

Ooh that makes sense… I like that idea


Ravenclaws are more "jack of all trades" than slytherins are. I forget who said it, but someone mentioned that Slytherins work toward a specific goal and gather information required, while Ravenclaws gather all the general information they can



I've taken the quiz a couple times and I got gryffindor the most but my friends swear im a slytherin so I consider myself a mix of both.