forum Your favorite death scene....
Started by @Paperok

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Death talking to his new apprentice, Mort, about what curry tastes like… oh, sorry, you mean a person dying don't you?


all i can think about is peter parker's death scene from infinity war. it might not be my favorite ever, but in recent history, it definitely is


but fun fact!
I danced with this guy at a Youth activity and he's seriously a Marvel fan and read all the comics and he told me that IN THE COMICS when this happened everyone who 'died' is actually just INSIDE the soul stone, which makes creepily amount of sense. so we can look forward to something happening in Avengers 4 to hopefully bring Spidey back (he is my favorite besides Iron Man so please let this be true XD)


My favorite death scene though was probably Sirus Black in Harry Potter, idk why i just like the feels


the directors confirmed that at the very least gamora is in the soul stone…hopefully everyone else is as well!! also i love tony too, but im getting this feeling he dies in avengers 4 :((