forum Your Current Mood in a Song Lyric
Started by Deleted user
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"I can't hold on much longer / We're drifting down to the other side / Tried to pull us under / Keep holding out for the other side"

  • As We Fall by League of Legends

Deleted user

"Its raining Tacos From out of the sky!"

It's raining tacos- (forgot who but I did that because I haven't had a taco in like a month an i want)


"i pull you in to feel your heartbeat
can you hear me screaming please don't leave me"

hold on // chord overstreet

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

"Its raining Tacos From out of the sky!"

It's raining tacos- (forgot who but I did that because I haven't had a taco in like a month an i want)

'Twas Parry Gripp
(I only know that because in 3rd or 4th grade we had to sing that in chorus.)

Deleted user

"I am the light, I am the truth, I am the way
Nothing personal, personal, personal"

  • nothing personal, night riots

Deleted user

【Kiss me hard before you go.】

Deleted user

"The ghosts of my past, they berate me / The feeling just cannot escape me."-shinigami, Violence in the Purest Form

Deleted user

"he's the tear in my heart"

  • tear in my heart, twenty-one pilots pronouns changed

@HighPockets group

"But what will I let in if I let it out?"

  • Let It Out, The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals

That song is in my head right now…

It's always in my head, which is fun.

@HighPockets group

I'm just aggressively blasting TGWDLM to get in the headspace for my current project, since it's got a similar vibe. And by "project", I mean "fanfic with my own characters".

Deleted user

"So take your ghosts, bring them back to bed /Just take us back to where we began."-shinigami, A Place Where I Belong


"My heart is made of paper, and your lines need erasing. That bond is so familial; but is it real… is it real?"
Familial, by The Quiet Luke


"There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses / It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses"

  • Build God, Then We'll Talk by Panic! At The Disco


"All I have is myself at the end of the day
And all I want is for that to be okay"

all i want//olivia rodrigo

Deleted user

"Maybe I'm better off dead. If I was, would it finally be enough?"

"This is not where I belong, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone."


"Maybe I'm better off dead. If I was, would it finally be enough?"

"This is not where I belong, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone."

(NO! NO DYING!! sends virtual hug)


They call us problem child/We spend our lives on trial/We walk an endless mile/We are the youth gone wild/We stand up, we won't fall/We're one and one for all/The writing's on the wall/We are the youth gone wild/Let me hear you wild!
~ Youth Gone Wild by Skid Row