forum Your craziest, most heavy metal character?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Dante is a borderline sociopathic, narcissistic and Machiavellian character who is absurd as fuck… Herrsa few things he's done…

  1. He doesn't like his name, the last person to call him Dante was given immortality, and imprisoned in an adamantine cellar of constantly boiling (various) human bodily fluids that he warped into reality, simply left there to suffocate and boil for a year. He likes to be addressed as Satan.
  2. He once wrapped his fist in barbed wire, soaked it in gasoline, and lit it on fire, and then punched another character in the face…

It gets way worse…

I think Kain would've fallen in love. I mean, I did write him as bisexual and he only "married" Mania because she's a demoness incubator so he can have an heir to his throne.

Deleted user

Just going to shove Cherry in here~

She's my sadistic, scientist BloodMage who will dissect everything with a smile on her face and blood on her hands


Dante likes to be called Satan…

He's what happens when the witch Medea from Greek mythology is resurrected and possessed by the actual Satan, and impregnated by a psychic "Exorcist" by accident.

He is not able to contain his own power. His mind and body will become (even more) unstable with prolonged access to his power, so it's sealed away in "Levels", going from Negative One to Three. It goes like this… If I were to scale his level of power to that of established fictional characters…

3: Roughly as powerful as Marvel Comics' The Beyonder

2: I wanna say like Amara from Supernatural.

1: Michael in his prime from Supernatural.

0: Alucard from Hellsing

-1: I dunno, maybe he could kick Iron Man's ass…

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Mine could probably hold his own with the hulk and doc strange or thor and any combo of the three single handedly (did i mention that he is so dangerous due to sheer power nevermind skill??)

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No unfortunately i dont know who they are… and i dont think i have ever had time to read marvel comics (my reading list is waaaay to long as it is…)

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probs movie versions… altho Luma+Firiko teamed up w Skye Alex and Arthur could take on the entire avengers team and the guardians of the galaxy…. and probably win too.


Oh. In the comics they are WAAAY more powerful. Thor can fight Frost Giants for nine months straight with no rests and survive a planet explosion.

The Hulk can shatter planets with his punches and heal all his skin in seconds…

Doctor Strange is just, outright broken in terms of power as well…

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Luma could probably taken on strange and win him and alex (actually if i put it at the time just after he masters his Serigala side the yeah he could do that too….)could easily take thor, Hulk? just give him a lot of space and he could do it easy…. (Im really bad for OP characters…) In my defense i need Luma to be able to take out a small (small is very large for that particular villian) army at 16….

@Becfromthedead group

My world has magic too, but like… also guns. They're only sort of superhuman. Sure, they've got powers, but mostly they're just as vulnerable as you and me. Although, don't get me wrong, I make sure to push their limits and give some people high-end abilities for humans.

@Becfromthedead group

(Its kinda a part of the whole evil maniac thing) but later on luma gains this ability where he can take on three separate autonomis forms simultaniously (it is all him) and fight from three sides and three perspectives all at once that and he is really good at not taking people head on…

That's really cool!


That's cool… I like to get flashy with Dante's fights… He can do things like wish even the most magically important characters out of existence, but he likes to do gorey stuf…