forum Your Books
Started by @Sugar-Lover

people_alt 3 followers


After reading countless summaries of the books you guys have written, I want to read so many of them because they look so interesting and I'm sure others feel the same way. It would be nice if you could post your books here.

It would be a nice place for people to review your books in general and to read what others have written. But please don't expect everyone to review your book, feel free to review, just don't ask for a review.

If you had a link to your books that would be awesome, like wattpad or google docs or something. If not you can post them directly here. My only concern with that is that some books are really long and it gets annoying having to scroll a single post.

They don't have to be complete, it would be nice if they were, but don't have to be. Please don't post just a single paragraph, a single chapter should be the shortest, but no maximum length.

I would really enjoy reading all of your books.