forum You guys are amazing
Started by @TrudyMK

people_alt 5 followers


I’m so glad and happy that I found this website, everyone here is so nice and kind. Let’s just all appreciate and have this time to say thank you to everyone on here 😊 thank you!


Thank you as well. By contributing to this community, you hsve msde it quite a bit better, and stronger with, not only your presence, but your positivity. Thank you for being here. If you need anything, just ask.

Oh, and everyone around here just calls me Shuri.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I’m so glad and happy that I found this website, everyone here is so nice and kind. Let’s just all appreciate and have this time to say thank you to everyone on here 😊 thank you!

We thank you for coming here! You made Notebook a little better, and we're all here to help you through your worst times, and celebrate with you on the great days, and the best of times. You can call me Winter, or those closest to me call me Winty or Winny, so it doesn't really matter. Everyone here wants to see you succeed, and we want to make sure you are able to reach your goal.


Thanks everybody, but I'm no angel. You vuys are though… You're all virtuous, pious, beautiful and noble.

Anyway… is a great place. Everyone here is awesome and generally a good person who will help you out when you need it, and catch you when you fall. They're all pretty damn talented and cool to be around, and we're all so closr and tightly knit