forum you belong to me
Started by @TrudyMK

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my last relationship was something that completely changed my life. how can someone let go of someone else after 2 years of perfect memories? I can’t imagine how my life will be like now knowing that the person I was suppose to have an amazing future with is having a future with someone else. all those times you said you loved me…did you even really mean it? all those times you promised me that you’ll be with me til we die…did you really mean that? I believed your words and now I feel like an idiot for believing you..and for wasting my time on you because all those times you had looked me in the eyes saying you’ll protect me no matter what the concept is, and saying that no matter what you’ll be the love of my life. What happened to being my soul mate? I’m tired of calling myself an idiot and calling myself a “bad girlfriend” because I can tell you for a fact that I wasn’t a bad girlfriend, I just wasn’t that type of girlfriend you wanted. Reasons why I call myself an idiot is because I could of let you go a long time ago in the beginning because I couldn’t handle your toxic self anymore, I couldn’t handle your abusiveness and telling me that I can’t go out with my friends and family. I was so tired of you talking to other girls in front of my face, and all those times you had cheated and I still went for you ass, you were such a hypocrite and I still loved you.let me just say that your more of an idiot than I am. why? because you let go of someone who would of truly truly loved you. someone who would of took care of you when your sick, someone who ran away from their life and wanting to start something new with you. if that’s not love then I don’t know what is… I want to thank you for making me a better person. because of you I love myself more and more now, because of you I don’t have to pretend to be happy and pretend to smile and laugh when I don’t want to. because of you I’m doing better in school because of you I am actually working my butt off to earn money to owe my parents because I lied that I didn’t take their money away from them to see you. what I can say is that when we had our little moments together, it made me love you more. All those times we laid in bed talking and laughing will be missed, all those times you told me I looked beautiful on FaceTime and that I don’t need makeup will be missed. all those times you kissed me on my cheek and giggled at my red blushy cheeks will be missed. You will be missed. Trust me, you will never be forgotten. I love you. I just want everyone to know that, please don’t play with someone’s else’s heart…it will tore them apart and it will tore you apart as well. if you don’t know what Love is then don’t go to someone and say you love them, don’t say you love them when you don’t, because when that person hears you say “I love you” that person will never forget those words. another thing i want to say is “How can you love someone when you can’t even love yourself”