forum *You Are a Badass* (The Daily Post to Perk You Up)
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Deleted user

I have a collection of quotes, advice and such that make me feel more confident so Im gonna share.

Deleted user

Jan 1

Your Brain Is Your Bitch

I think, therefore, I can create awesomeness. Or horrendousness. But the bottom line is that it's through our thoughts that we create our realities.
It's also why buying into whatever illusions you're living in–in this present moment–is selling yourself so short if it's anything less than what you truly desire.

Your success and happiness lie in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. –Hellen Keller

Deleted user

Jan 2

The muscle of kick-assery is like any other muscle–you have to use it or lose it. So do not be afraid, being badass only makes you stronger.

Deleted user

Jan 3

Push past your fears, fail over and over again, and make a habit of doing things you're not so comfy doing…Let go of old, limiting beliefs and cling to your decision to create the life you desire like your life depends on it.

Because guess what? Your life does depend on it.

Deleted user

Jan 5

Being a badass only requires one thing from you, and that is confidence.
Confidence comes with time, energy, and hard work, but once you achieve it the badassery shines just as bright as your self love.

Deleted user

Jan 6

It takes a good person to admit when they are wrong. It takes a Badass to own it, fix it, and grow from all mistakes.

Deleted user

Jan 7

The Universe responds to details. THe Universe responds to energy. The Universe responds to Badasses.

Deleted user

Jan 8

Give your bad habits the 'Heave-Ho'
Because our bad habits are all the things that we do automatically, without thinking, they help to define who we are. If you're in the habit of getting up and working out every morning, you're in shape; if you're in the habit of never doing what you say you're going to do, you're unreliable; and if you're in the habit of getting massages three times a week, you're really psyched.

So let go of all the negative. Badassery starts with a positive look at yourself.

Deleted user

Jan 9

If you wanna get rich, understand that just by being you, you have already struck gold

Deleted user

Jan 10

Pay attention to the areas of your life that you're not so thrilled about, figure out which bad habits helped create them and trade those habits in for some good ones. Form the kind of habits that successful people have: good time-management habits, good-decision making habits, good thought habits, good health habits, good relationship habits, good work habits, etc. Think of what behaviors would make the biggest, positive changes in your life (maybe even the kinds of changes you can hardly imagine coming true) and set about turning them into habits.

Badassery starts with being good.

Deleted user

Jan 11

Don't be a loser. If you are doing things that Captain America would give you the Eyebrows of Disappointment(TM) for, then you've fucked up somewhere. Turn it around. No one wants to see Cap sad.

Deleted user

Jan 12

Even Badasses cry. Do so with dignity. Sometimes emotion becomes too hard to hold in, so it leaks from the eyes. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud in your ability to feel and pity those who can't.

Deleted user

Jan 13

Greatness is not given, it is taken. So reach out and take it–it's yours.

Deleted user

Jan 14

Money, the Eternal Best Friend

Start healing your relationship with money. Sit your broke ass down and write a letter to money and then break it down, sentence by sentence… (really DO this), and create some new money affirmations. Repeat your new affirmations, and feel them in your bones. Walk around thinking about how much you love, love, love money… You are going against some seriously deeply ingrained beliefs here; money is incredibly loaded for most people, so if you want to get over your issues and start making money…be a badass and take control of it.