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Started by Amstance

people_alt 6 followers


My name is amstance and I'm new here. I need a lot of tips with my writing. So far I've been working on the same story for a while.


If you don't mind me here, my advice would be to remember that your character is human before anything else. They are a living, breathing human being who has opinions and likes and dislikes and enemies and friends. So it could just be a slip where someone messed up their pronouns by accident, or someone refusing to call them by the correct pronouns. Maybe even a mention of a time before they started their transition. Idk tho, I'm not really good at plots and presentation and stuff

@Rvan group

(If I might just add on here)
Also try to not introduce the character as a person who is trans (unless you might be writing a story ABOUT them being trans as the topic, if so, disregard some parts of my comment). Develop the character's traits before you develop them being trans. It shouldn't be the first words out of their mouth if they're trans or not (like even in a person who isn't trans, normally the first words are something like "Hi, how are you?”) I hope I helped and good luck with writing :)