forum Yet Another Writing Competition
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I know there are a lot of writing competitions out there (a few of which I am in) but I decided to just put this idea out there anyway, just in case anybody is interested.

Prompt: Pick a cliche from this list and make it as interesting as possible in a short story no longer than 800 words.

Bad boy and nerdy/shy girl fall in love
Love at first sight
All the powers of a superhero are in one small object that can easily be stolen
The power of friendship helps you win any fight
A 12 year old kid can solve complicated problems that adults can't even come close to figuring out
Due date is next Wednesday, results released next Friday (if anybody is interested). All are welcome to join!

Deleted user

Yeah it's still open lmao nobody even joined it by the time it was due

Deleted user

Yay! We did it, we did it? We did it! HURRAY!!!


Here's my story I went a bit over the word limit. I hope you don't mind
Title:No One
Stereotype: Love at first sight
Word count:848

Deleted user

No problem! I won't hold it against you :)

Deleted user

Yeah, that's understandable :) just so you know though, I haven't really picked a due date yet..


yeah sorry
I’ve always worn glasses. I don’t know why though. I can see just fine without them. My mom always makes me wear them, she says that they’re reading glasses and I’ll never know when I need to read. But I can read just fine with them. They don’t hurt my eyes. I think that they’re some kind of indicator. You know like when al Jews were marked by Hitler during WWII. I think the glasses are like the armband. I don’t know what it symbolizes though. You know when people ask to use them they all see a very high prescription, saying I’m just basically blind.
“Why aren’t you wearing your glasses sweetie?” My mom had folded her arms and was glaring at me.
“I mean I can see without them, it’s a waste of money.” I didn’t look her in the eye. I loved her and she loved me, but arguing with anyone you love can become awkward.
“Please just wear them, for mom. Ok?” She put her hand on my shoulder.
I sighed and pulled out my glasses and put them on my face. Nothing in my sight changed. “Why do I have to wear these?”
Mom wasn’t taken aback by this question. I asked it many times. But she always says something vague like ‘You’ll find out later’. Just like now. I sighed again and told her I was going outside. Before she could stop me I was in the woods.
You see the town I live in is fully surrounded by a large nice forest. In the day it’s so nice and calming, especially at fall when all the leaves are on the ground and more light can make it through. It’s looks like a fairy tale when it snows.
I usually walk through the forest without my glasses on, so I can see the beauty for myself. But this time I was wearing my glasses. I always take my glasses off. Always. But this time, even when I noticed I didn’t take them off. I don’t know why. Just something in my mind was telling me that I need to wear my glasses. To not take them off for any reason. So I kept them on.
I thought about the ‘argument’. It really wasn’t an argument, but there was that feeling that mom had when dad died. She always felt as though I had been more difficult around then. She never loved dad, but I did. I was more difficult because I was morning.
I suddenly saw something rush past me in the corner of my vision. The trees were full of leaves and though you could see it was a little dark. I looked around. I had walked far into the woods. I didn’t even recognize where I was. For some reason my brain told me to come closer to the creature that passed me. I could kind of see it’s form in the near distance. It looked like a deer. I walked slowly over to, my hands raised to show that I wasn’t a threat.
The creature came the rest of the way and I held my breath. This was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why I didn’t just run away and scream. It was the kind of thing you would do that too.
The thing was like a computer glitch. It flashed in and out of existence. But it also looked dead. The thing was in the shape of a deer, but you could see its bones, which were pitch black, and only a little skin was left on the top of it’s frame. Now I’ve seen a deer skeleton, and I know that this ribcage was way to big. Not only that but it was house to many plant and flowers. Not it was nearly spring but some of these flowers shouldn’t have been there. It moved a bit closer to me. How this thing was alive was beyond me. But something was weird about its movements. It looked to be walking more like a wolf than a deer.
This is where most people would leave immediately and call it something from their nightmares. But I had some weird feeling inside of me. You know how when a loving mother has a baby and they try to explain their need to protect the baby and their love for it? Well I guess I had that feeling. I felt like this was my child and I had to do anything in my power to keep it safe. Without taking my eyes off of it I called my mom and told her that I was going to live in the woods. Forever. She said she understood but I knew she didn’t. No one ever would I think she thought I was joking and there was a search party for me. I just hid with the creature. If they found me they might find it. I couldn’t let that happen. They wouldn’t know how to take care of it. They would never love it like me.