forum YET ANOTHER post dedicated to self-love...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 6 followers


Yup… I made a third one… Deal with it… But this time… I gave you questions to help you!

What is your best feature based on personality?
What is your best feature based on appearance?
What can you do to improve yourself?
Why are you awesome?

There will be no negative answers… You may analyze a negative facet of something… But keep it positive!


  1. wit
  2. eyes
  3. be more open with friends and try to smile more (all my emotions happen on the inside and nothing shows up on my face)
  4. I play the glockenspiel

Deleted user

What is your best feature based on personality? Loyalty and the willingness to beat anybody who messes with my friends.
What is your best feature based on appearance? Lips
What can you do to improve yourself? Be way less sarcastic.
Why are you awesome? I'm not awesome, but Ruby says I'm a good singer.


  1. I have to say it's my determination… It's the etuff heroes are made of…
  2. I have to say it's that I'm just a small dude… Short and light and trim…
  3. Learn to contain my emotions and keep my spirits higher…
  4. I help a lot of people and I get shit done…


What is your best feature based on personality? Loyalty and the willingness to beat anybody who messes with my friends.
What is your best feature based on appearance? Lips
What can you do to improve yourself? Be way less sarcastic.
Why are you awesome? I'm not awesome, but Ruby says I'm a good singer.

Try that last one again…

Deleted user

What is your best feature based on personality? Loyalty and the willingness to beat anybody who messes with my friends.
What is your best feature based on appearance? Lips
What can you do to improve yourself? Be way less sarcastic.
Why are you awesome? I'm not awesome, but Ruby says I'm a good singer.

Try that last one again…


Why are you awesome? Ruby says I'm a good singer.


  1. I have to say it's my determination… It's the etuff heroes are made of…
  2. I have to say it's that I'm just a small dude… Short and light and trim…
  3. Learn to contain my emotions and keep my spirits higher…
  4. I help a lot of people and I get shit done…

You really do. You help so many people, Shuri, it's amazing. You're amazing. Never forget that.


  1. I have to say it's my determination… It's the etuff heroes are made of…
  2. I have to say it's that I'm just a small dude… Short and light and trim…
  3. Learn to contain my emotions and keep my spirits higher…
  4. I help a lot of people and I get shit done…

You really do. You help so many people, Shuri, it's amazing. You're amazing. Never forget that.

You're just as awesome! You've grown a lot since I first met you and I'm proud to know you!


  1. I have to say it's my determination… It's the etuff heroes are made of…
  2. I have to say it's that I'm just a small dude… Short and light and trim…
  3. Learn to contain my emotions and keep my spirits higher…
  4. I help a lot of people and I get shit done…

You really do. You help so many people, Shuri, it's amazing. You're amazing. Never forget that.

You're just as awesome! You've grown a lot since I first met you and I'm proud to know you!

That means so much to me thank you


What is your best feature based on personality?
What is your best feature based on appearance?
What can you do to improve yourself?
Why are you awesome?

  1. My passion
  2. My hair, red and vulptuous
  3. I need to be able to contain myself when I get sad…aka not cutting anymore
  4. I am awesome because I am unique


What is your best feature based on personality?
What is your best feature based on appearance?
What can you do to improve yourself?
Why are you awesome?

  1. My loyalty and compassion.
  2. My eyes
  3. I could have self control with myself and maybe open up to other people I haven't already opened up to
  4. I am awesome because I am there for my friends when they need me.

@HighPockets group

  1. My honesty and wit.
  2. My eyes. They have bad vision but I've been told they're pretty.
  3. Thinking before speaking so I don't say stupid stuff.
  4. Because I was on a team that took 6th best in the world and got a special award.