forum yall. wtnv. pls. im obsessed.
Started by @flora.books

people_alt 37 followers


jhgfdsdghjkl the podcast rat (me) has been summoned

I'm like 4 episodes behind but recent events are c o n c e r n i n g. I feel like all of the filler/seemingly unimportant episodes are leading to a new arc???? Idk but something is a cooking………..


oooomg sis you're only 4 episodes behind i lowkey am very. very. behind like i started it a whiiiiiile ago but i just recently came back to it and sis i'm literally in like the first 'season' thing


I'm pretty far in but I kinda stopped listening in fall cause I got sick so much but that doesn't mean I don't fckin love the podcast

@kittycalyx group

oh my god i'm so behind bc i never have time to listen ㅠ_ㅠ but yeah i would still 100% die for cecil or carlos or dana or violet head