forum Writing Tips?
Started by @gravity

people_alt 3 followers


If you've got any writing tips, please type them up below! Writing is different for everyone and it's always good to have a view on what is out there!


If you find yourself getting a burst of creativity past a certain time, do not follow through. I repeat, DO NOT follow through. You will be up until 3 am, and you will hate yourself in the morning, and the work most likely won't even come out that great from the sleep deprivation. Instead, write down your raw thoughts as bullet points (a process that should only take about 15 mins tops), and sleep on it. The next day, when you're nice and refreshed, look back at your notes and you'll be able to pick out the gems and properly execute them with your clearer mind.


Thank you! I always tend to make ideas in the spur of the moment and drop them. Maybe this would help me keep them up.