forum ☆Writing Tips and Help☆
Started by @xXxWriterxXx

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Ask me questions, I might not be able to answer them all but I can help you in some ways, I'm really good at putting character development checklists together, the ones on this website are kind of bland.

Deleted user

The book I'm writing has the main two characters traveling to and exploring different planets. The problem is that I don't know how to make the portions where they explore the different planets and such entertaining. I've got plenty of lore to go around, but that can only do so much. What do you suggest?


Give the places they go to a unique feature that they have to interact with, like a diamond cave, or an acid river.
Anything dangerous and/or beautiful will definitely pull in readers.
Tip: Don't just put random features that mean nothing to a story. give them some kind of meaning.

i hope this helps

Deleted user

I have a really good plot, but my characters, in my opinion, feel thrown in there and underdeveloped. There seems to be just a huge mess of, 'Oh, you thought they were human? Nope, none of them are!' and, 'The main character saves the day by losing her memory of the event!' It seems very underdeveloped and I don't know how to fix it…


I used to have the same problem, i created a list of things i needed to know about my character to be able to write what she/he felt,
heres the checklist i created (because the ones on this website are rather vague) :

Basic Appearance:

Full Name:
Voice type:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Body type:
Skin Tone:


Use(s/ed) Drug(s):
Social class:
Look on life:
Religion -
Mannerisms -
Conditions -
Allergies -

Friends -
Relationship status:
Setting -
Pets -
Occupation -
Best memory. -
Worst memory -
Criminal record -
Role in story -
What people do they most admire:
Changes they would make :
How are they viewed by others:
What you notice first:

Tip: Hinting throughout the story what your character looks and sounds like is what a lot of famous writers do, you never get a detailed description of what Harry Potter looks like, you just know he has messy dark hair and you picture it, right?

Good exercises :
write a paragraph (in your characters point of view) about their appearance and their actions
Write how they would Describe themselves to someone they either A. Hate B Want to impress, and C a new friend


How do you start a story?

Make sure you have strong characters and a stronger plot. if you don't have either of them it's going to be difficult to write the beginning of your story

Don't use the same old intro, you know the one, with your character alone and milling over their own thoughts, to be honest, I think this intro is kind of lazy. try to make them interact with a small group of people in the beginning, not too many but not too little