forum Writing Prompts???
Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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I don't know about you guys, but I have a tendency to like really simplistic prompts and then make something completely fanciful and crazy out of them. My teacher used to write prompts on the board when I was in fourth grade and I would always do something really creative and amazing out of those simple things. These are good for one-shots where you don't know where you're going and fantastic at curing writer's block. Here are a few of mine (you don't necessarily have to start with the exact sentence but you have to do something like it).

"The path led up the mountain."
"The boy stood at the tennis court and watched the match."
"It would be appropriate to say it was a dark and stormy night, but it actually wasn't."
"I wasn't expecting a package that day, but it came anyways."
"The strange noises echoed through the forest."
"In the middle of the night, a girl stood at my door."
"As I got on the bus, suddenly everyone went completely silent to stare at me."
"This was not how I expected this day to go."
“I woke up. I wasn’t where I fell asleep.”
“My parents sat me down on the couch for a family meeting. There were tears in their eyes.”

Actually, these would all be really good in a writing competition. I should do that someday.

Any opinions? Also, feel free to share your take on the prompts!

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If someone said to me, " I woke up. I wasn't where I fell asleep."
I would immediately assume that they fell asleep on the couch and their dad had picked them up and put them in bed. 😂🤣 (is it just me😅?)

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You wake up in a completely new town, with a girl standing over you.

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His new school was weird, unless all schools had 100s of bats flying around.

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She sat in the bat cave, combing out her hair that was full of dry blood.

(The prompts turn evil)

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He thought everybody hated him. His mom never spoke to him, his sister avoided his room, and his dad left the family.
He never knew that it was because he was dead.

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…is she getting on drugs? Just asking XD

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A young woman finds a blue box, a doctor…. and lots of adventure. (Guess the fandom)

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A young woman finds a blue box, a doctor…. and lots of adventure. (Guess the fandom)

Doctor who? 😏


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John Watson on an unexpected journey with Smog. What can go wrong!? :D

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It was literally raining cats and dogs. The only question; how?

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John Watson on an unexpected journey with Smog. What can go wrong!? :D

Sherlock without a case file then.