forum Writing Fantasy!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Hey, fellow writers, let's talk about writing fantasy! We can give each other tips, critique, share, and help eachother!
Let's start out with a topic!

What is your greatest strength in writing fantasy?

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Coming up with complicated plots and creative plot solutions!

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Character building for sure is my biggest strength. I can whip well formed children out of thin air.


I play a lot of D&D so I've gotten pretty good at making unique characters and their backstories. I also really like making magic and magic items.


My favorite part of Fantasy is writing the Heroic characters with the same exaggerated and chivalrous characters like in the way that was popular in 15th century fiction. I love the Knight/Nobel Adventurer archetype or any excuse to construct characters with overt and strict codes of Honor (because they feel out of place or silly in modern genres).
I just love the meloromanticism of the middle ages.
But that is so cool all of you with fantastical creatures- actually I have a question for all of you
when you create new species do you like to use real world myths (Centaurs, Mermaids etc) or the kind of Tolkien archetypes (elves orcs etc), or come up with something completely from starch?

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Shuri that game was practically made for you. Why dont you play more?

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Or Tricky Bastards.
(I'm a little bitter, a lot bitter about the Fae… They're my favorite but they rarely get attention…)

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Meh, this Lamia (Not technically a woman but we're going with it) is also quite tricky

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Well, a variation of them, they're called different things.