forum Writing Buddy Wanted
Started by @mckapo

people_alt 3 followers


I am in need of a writing buddy.
Anyone with Google Docs interested?
You be mine, I'll be yours.
We can post regular updates of our stories, read through, provide feedback, suggestions, comments, etc.


no gmail?? crazy people.
okay, well, do you guy's have anything you would like me to help with?
Right now, I'm working on my Peter Pan dark fantasy retelling (very loose) and I have almost.. 3000 words written. So, slow going, but I'm also still working out the character backstories and some mysteries that I haven't solved yet.
But, I want to start writing and getting things down on paper, and hopefully, the plot that I have lined up with work out :p which is one thing I am now doubting as I am writing out scenes for the four parts I have planned. So that is possibly one of the things I would like to work out.


So, pm me? (:
also, I could add you both as contributors to my Neverland Universe? (i think i need emails though, or can you add members without having to give email?), but it is also public, so you can look around if you would like. that will give a little more background into Pan (the other characters I'm still fleshing out and haven't gotten around to updating all their info here on and possibly Neverland.

Deleted user

Hello, I can't give out my gmail because my parents closely moniter, but I would like to help………………also I'm really brain dead and haven't been writing anything lately.


I have a google docs account, [email protected] if you're still interested. I would love a writing buddy
Okay, I will send you my stuff (:

Hey! I have a Google Docs account and would love to write with you! Mine's [email protected]. What's yours?

I sent you a link to my google docs for my Pan story. (:

**Also, send me anything in return! I can be your beta reader/editor/writing buddy(suggestions, comments, reactions to chapters, characters, anything really)