forum Would you read a book with only male lead characters?
Started by Coby

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So I'm writing this novel and I really like my four 'lead' characters. the thing is, I realized some people might get annoyed that they are all male? like I love their characters and designs and I just dunno how it will look in the writing community. I'm a female, and I want to write a book with only male leads because they are my characters and idk. thoughts?


I mean I don't care about if they're all male or female or whatever, I just care about the plot and if the characters are written well or not. So if you have a well written book, I'll read it.


be prepared for everyone shipping your characters together. no girls = gay ships lol hope ur comfortable with that! but really, it depends on the story/the characters themselves. make sure they all have individual voices, aren't all identical/the same race, etc.


eh yes that is something I'm not looking forward to. but the book is still in its early stages so, you never know what I might change later on. thank you for the advice, though!


I don't really care. Just make sure they're well developed and deep and not just your flawless heroic OC. Also, conversely, all my leads but one are girls. I was kind of worried THAT would affect the readers.