forum Would anyone like to start a roleplay with me?
Started by Mio

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Hello. I'm in need of a distraction from unpleasant thoughts… I was hoping a roleplay would help. Two-three people in a group roleplay sounds like a good number. Much more than that and it'll get to overwhelming. I've only done one on one roleplays, so, if anyone's interested in that, private message me.

I mainly like fantasy and kind of live in this universe of half human-half animal hybrids; I'll call them Breeds or animalia. (like Nekos, with cat ears and tails; or kitsune, with fox ears and tails. All animal breeds welcome!) There is magic in this universe, lots of it.


Ok! Would you like to do a one on one roleplay or wait for another person for a small group roleplay?


Hm, we can see if one other person wants to join! My private messaging isn't exactly letting me send out stuff, huh ^^ Also, I haven't RP'd in a long time but I would really love to do it again especially with new people, I hope you don't mind!


No, I'm fine with waiting. As I said, I've never done a group roleplay, so this could be fun.


Well, I'll be creating a new on with a new life for the roleplay. I kind of already have her in mind. But, I do have a set of characters in this universe that I hope will one day have a book. Which would you like to hear about?


Well, Her name is Lemon Drop. She's a light, golden blonde Neko, only her ears and tail are each tipped white. And, her cat eyes are a plum blue color. She's young- I'm going to say seventeen- and quite short, maxing at… Let's say, five feet. She's going to be independant; it will take a lot to gain her trust. At the same time, she isn't just going to stand by and watch you get hurt, stranger or not. And, she's very agile, as most cats are. That's all I've got currently.


Would it be ok if I join? Roleplaying is fun! I could also draw people's characters if they are interested!

I'd love to try something with you. You might have to show me how to private message thought because I have absolutely no clue!