forum Would Anyone Like To Start A Multi-Paragraph LGBT RP
Started by @LilD

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Hi, I'm also the creator of a Sci-Fi, Dragon Age, and a superhero RP. I've been writing a long time, and have more then a few years of experience! I'm actually a pansexual nonbinary, and think that LGBTQ+ Needs to have far more representation then something that claims a one liner story is going to be really gay. I love world building and character creation, and would love to make an intractable and beautiful with you all. Please be serious about this. And, be ready to RP big paragraphs. I would also like to make an ahead and say I would like all of this to be 17 or 18+ RP which allows for possible explicit violence or other explicit content.


I've never RPd before. This sounds like something totally up my alley, though! I'm a gay girl myself, just recently turned 17 so I hope that qualifies me for something like this. I love playing around with my characters but feel that I often restrain myself to my little sandbox, and I really need to learn how to write plot. Any chance I can join and learn as I go?


Of course! I would be honored to help you on your path!! It makes me so happy you'd choose this to be your first. If no one else joins I'd still love to help you along your way and give you pointers. @Kaloobia