forum Would anyone like to do a roll20 game? Max 6 players
Started by @Kasa

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I'd like to run a game soon to help me write shiz, I've already got a story and characters, keeping it non sexual. So yeah, hit me up y'all


@"Shives(Member-of-CCC)" Nice! Could you give me your username and I'll get around to setting everything up. Will explain rules when everybody is ready. Basic premise is Fantasy world, kill the big bad. Magic is commonplace.

Deleted user

Ah, let me see if it's blocked on my laptop. If it's not, I would love to play.

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I'm so sorry, it's blocked on my laptop.
I could try and get it on my phone, but my responses would take longer.


@SleepySnake Not a problem, if you ever manage to unblock it send me a message and I'll see what I can do!


Ooh~ this looks really interesting. I'll have to set up a new roll20 account since I havent used my other one in years after a failed party attempt with my friends.

Anyways, would it be alright for me to join this?


@Red-Ace-Of-Hearts Yeah sure! After you there are still 3 slots open. If you inbox me I'll send you the link