forum Who wants to rant with me
Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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I'm really frustrated. I tried auditioning for a theatre thing but the audition process is super unclear and I'm not getting any information on the casting/callbacks because the technology I have to use to get the info keeps glitching out and I can't get in. For all I know, I could have been cast or not been cast and none of my friends are telling me anything.

Time to watch TV, procrastinate on my homework, and pretend everything is fine when it's not!

@HighPockets group

Ug. The play I'm auditioning for hasn't posted ANY information besides barebones descriptions of the roles. No line count or anything. So I have no idea if the role I'm auditioning for has 15 lines or 50. And I have to memorize a cringy teen monologue.

@HighPockets group

I'm so fricking sick and tired of having to deal with everything in my life. I barely see my friends, my mood changes super quick and easily, I can barely get out of bed in the morning, none of the Star Wars stuff I spent ALL FRICKING SUMMER working towards earning money for has shown up in stores near me despite a shelf date of September 1st, sometimes my mood is terrible and sometimes I just feel super good it's like I have bipolar disorder except the manic-depressive part is like an every few days thing or even every few hours and I just can't help snapping at people sometimes and after I finish snapping I want to break down and cry and apologize and I just want to die but I want things to get better but at the same time I want to just die. Anyway sorry for the rant I'm in a really bad/sad mood.


I just moved because my parents got a divorce, and here I am, a year later, still swinging back and forth between a really good mood (mostly when I'm with friends) to a stew of anger and sadness. It's just everything seems to pile up at once, and then I break down crying or fuming in anger. And then there's the crap with school. I have had a total of FOUR teachers this year. FOUR!!! First teacher was sick, then the retired teacher form last year came in, then our school principal, and then this crappy sub who wouldn't know how to teach if it hit her in the face!!!!! It's just all so frustrating since this is the year I have to get ready for high school. ihgo;hwrlkghs. The worst part about school is the utter boring-ness of it. Somedays, I feel like I am literally falling apart because of sheer boredom. Does it ever get better?