forum Who wants to learn Dutch?
Started by @Peter_Parker

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

I kinda do? I've been meaning to learn a second language for a while. May I?

Deleted user

Sure! Well just to begin with Dutch is one of the hardest languages in the world…

No, actually, statistics prove that it isn't no offense?


Oof, start with numbers and the alphabet? Cuz I know in Spanish some of the letters are said like other letters and its really confusing if you don't start off the back with that kinda stuff.


So one to ten to begin with
One -> één
Two -> twee
Three -> drie
Fout -> vier
Five -> vijf
Six -> zes
Seven -> zeven
Eight -> acht
Nine -> Negen
Ten -> tien

Deleted user

Can you just explain pronunciation first and then possibly move onto words? That might be better. Also, possibly put the pronunciation of each word down as well? No offense, I'm just suggesting ideas, nothing more.