Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

Legit all my friends on here are gay XD

I have evolved into "That one straight friend in the group"! 😂😂😂
So I'm just wondering if there are any straight people on here? 😗 Bc either y'all don't exist or everybody has

🌈tAsTed ThE rAiNbOw🌈

Deleted user

I'm straight and all my friends are queer
I completely ship two of my friends that are together (gxg, panxbi)

Deleted user

Wow, there are more straight people on here than I thought! There's four of 'em! XD


Everyone thinks I'm straight. It's currently a 70-30 split in the ladies' favor.

Same. I'm about as straight as a curly fry.

I'm not a woman.

Deleted user

Everyone is gay… mwa ha ha!!!! You cannot escape the homosexuality!!! Or the bisexuality!!! Or all the other sexualities!!!! Or gender identities too, don't want to discriminate them. Sorry, I'll go now.

Deleted user

I am straight but I have tasted the rainbow.
By that I mean I have dated bisexuals and pansexuals but they were the opposite sex.(currently am dating a pansexual sooooo.)

@HighPockets group

Everyone thinks I'm straight. It's currently a 70-30 split in the ladies' favor.

Same. I'm about as straight as a curly fry.

I'm not a woman.

I am. And it's a 70-30 split in the ladies' favor.