forum Who Misses Sly??? US!!!! (Plz people who miss Sly can huddle and cry)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

;u; i saw what Scarlet did so I compensated. sorry Scarlet i stold your idea but i miss them toooo

Deleted user

I miss Sly too! (Also, sorry I stole your idea Scarlet. I should have asked first. Can I steal your idea?)

Deleted user

;u; hi guys it's nice to see you again. When's Sly due back??


I miss Sly too! (Also, sorry I stole your idea Scarlet. I should have asked first. Can I steal your idea?)

Haha, of course. xD

I started a minor trend. >u<

Deleted user

He was going somewhere out of state I think?

Also I miss Sly, Notebook has been more quiet without him on.

Deleted user

well what crappy timing. i hope they're feeling okay.

Deleted user

I miss Sly too! (Also, sorry I stole your idea Scarlet. I should have asked first. Can I steal your idea?)

Haha, of course. xD

I started a minor trend. >u<

such a trendsetter

what's your secret?

Deleted user

doesn't remember

i have really bad memory, sorry, was it one of mine or someone else's?

Deleted user

sorry i don't remember Scarlet.

it is I miss them a lot