forum Who likes funny stories?
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

people_alt 40 followers

Screaming cinnamon roll

Hey guys, I'm not personally feeling my best and I know that happy/funny stories always make me feel better. Plus I don't think that I'm the only one who might need this right now.

Screaming cinnamon roll

Hey here is mine:
So me and a three of my friends are at my birthday party. We just finished dinner and two of them are having a debate, so me and my friend just look at eachother and I hit my thighs a few times. She then does it back, and I do it again, till slowly we are drumming on our thighs laughing our heads off. The whole time my two friends having a debate are pretending that nothing is happening. I keep saying "Keep doing it till they notice!" trying to not die of laughter.

@Starfast group

Picture this: I'm at college, it's the second day of a new program that I was doing. Our teacher brings the class down to the computer lab so that we can get acquainted with the email system. The teacher tells us just to test it out by sending an email to someone in the class. So one of my friends (let's just call her A) sends an email to one of my other friends (who we'll call B). A little while goes by, and A asks B if she's received the email and B says no. At first she though B was joking (plausible since B likes to joke around. We're talking about someone who would say "Good afternoon" every time the teacher said "Good morning") But eventually it comes to light that she actually hadn't received the email. A goes back to double check and realizes that she actually sent it to the teacher. This would not have been a very big deal, but all the email said was "Yo sexy mama."

And it gets better. After realizing her mistake, A goes to the teacher and explains what had happened. The teacher was pretty cool about it and went to delete it. This also would not have been a big deal, except the teacher's computer was still hooked up to the overhead projector so the "yo sexy mama" email was visible to the entire class as the teacher deleted it.