forum Who is the Head of Gryffindor house after the Battle of Hogwarts?
Started by @garden0f3den group

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@garden0f3den group

I'm writing a fanfiction story and it takes place after the battle of Hogwarts, but I need to know who the - current - head of Gryffindor is. I can't find anything on Fandom WIKI. Grr..


I don't think it was ever said in cannon. unless the headmistress can also be the head of the house but I'm not sure. They also didn't say who the head of Slytherin is either.


I mean, I assume that it would be McGonagall for Gryffindor still, and I think Slughorn would be head of Slytherin since Snape died


wouldn't it be unfair to have the headmaster also be the head of a house? Well i mean nothing at Hogwarts has really been fair

@garden0f3den group

Slughorn is head of Slytherin, Sprout -> Hufflepuff, Flitwick -> Ravenclaw, and McGonagall is Headmistress (until 2020). That's what I read on FANDOM Wiki. With all that, Head of Gryffindor is an open position… I think I'll just write it as Neville. As a temporary position anyway. He'll be Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. So it's /definitely/ temporary