Started by @Oakiin

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I sure am!
It's by far my favorite holiday, my favorite time of the year tbh
And I definitely don't love it even more this year bc my dog's color palette perfectly matched the fall season oh, no, not at all she's not the absolute most beautiful thing ever, naahhhh

Anyways, come have many thanks for thankful season w/ meeee


Ooohhh yusssss
It's the only time of year I get pie xD As a vegetarian, I have little trouble sometimes avoiding meat, but whichever of my mom's sibling (she has nine lol) come bring food, so usually there's quite a lot to choose from :)

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I just can't wait for b l a c k f r i d a y
I need to get a shit ton of cosplay stuff and anime merch!

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F O O D!
My family doesn't really celebrate it, but we do a thing called Steaksgiving where we eat steak instead of turkey and all that shit.
Me and my mom bake and we sometimes go over to our neighbors house to have a party

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I make a mean stuffing. We never count how many eggs and milk we put in, we always make sure it’s soggy before baking, it’s SO GOOD


Ahhh that's so cool you guys! :D My family always spends the day at my uncle's farm (used to me my granddad's) and us, (the kids) run around in the hills while the adults play football or hang inside. Then everybody plays pitch at night