forum Who here's bored and wants to talk?
Started by @CearBare

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@saor_illust school

Good! If I take too long to reply, that's cause I'm busy filling out a character bio sheet and getting around to the various threads that I replied to foolishly and now I have to reply to all of them.

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Oh that's fine! I'll prolly be doing the same thing tbh-

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So uh. I don't know what to say. You got any pets? Lmao

@saor_illust school

lmao. actually i do, one beautiful, amazing cat named Curly and the horse that i wish i had but i can't cause i don't have the darned enough space but aaanyways, if you want me to describe the horse, whose name is Gracie, then sure I'll happily do that.

@saor_illust school

Yayyyyyy! Gracie is literally the best horse ever (Inga you're great too lol even tho you drool it's still cute) and she's soo smart!!!! (Ok now i'm just exaggerating but don't mind me lol) But anyways Gracie is a chestnut coloured horse with one of those white streaks between the eyes and I ride her every saturday for horse lessons now and i love her cause she makes picking the dirt out of her horseshoes so much easier because she's so darn smart. and in cause you're confused inga is another horse, i used to ride her or gracie each lesson, but now it's kinda i'm gonna ride gracie there's no doubt about it. inga is a norwegian fjord if you wanna see what she looks like. oki enough with the horse stuff. what about you? do you have any pets?

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Oh that's so cool! I looked up a Norwegian fjord, they look cute lol. And no actually. I'm allergic to all animals that fur, feathers, or wool. In fact, just being near a horse can kill me. And it highkey sucks. People keep on telling me to get a dog or a cat because it'll make me cheer up but that can't really happen. I've always wanted a pet lol. And one that could actually move you know? not like a fish or smtn. But! I consider all of my plants my pets! And I love them so much! I have quite a few plants that I name after Greek Gods. I could go into detail but uh. That's prolly strange lol

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Aw really?? Thank you lol. Okay! So my very first plant was this little baby Lemon Button Fern. I call him "Fernand" heh. Anyway, he's gotten pretty big now! I keep him in my room because he's my favorite lol. I have a tomato plant called Poseidon since he needs so much water. The tomato is actually ripe, I should pick it soon haha. The strawberry plant is called Aphrodite. The Basil is called Artemis because why not lol. The peas are called Achilles because uh. Reasons haha. The wildflowers are called Persophone! I love them to death and I love the goddess Persephone. Plus it just fits. I call the DIll Medusa simply because I can. And the oregano just can't seem to stop dying? Like he'll come back but he always ends up dying. I don't understand, I always take good care of him. But anyway for this reason, I call him Hades. And I call the Thyme "Thomas the Watch." Why? My cousin named him.
Anyway. That was a lot lol sorry

@saor_illust school

lol np. hah Thomas the Watch really cracks me up. And awww the poor Hades (I've always wanted to do this XD) needs some love! haha that was so awkward but in the legends he's always like hmphh fine you can get/do this but on these conditions one, two, and three. now go before i change my mind and then there's the imma go kidnap this cute girl that i like and then make her marry me

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I know right! I absolutely love Hades. I don't know why people always portray him as a super villainous dude

@saor_illust school

yeah, i was just thinking it might be fun to do a hades is not so heartless as you think because i don't know maybe he was mistreated as a little (cute omg) baby god and so he doesn't want to show his feelings lest someone try to take advantage of that kind of rp style thing hehe

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Oh cool! How would you go about doing that? Like, who would be the other person lol
totally not asking because I'm interested in this

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tbh, I really wanna do it. But if you don't want to that's lit too