forum *whispers* hey would you like to hear a music?
Started by @RainClouds_Itachi_

people_alt 40 followers


I really liked it! It isn't the kind of thing I typically listen to, so I'm not a great critic, but I really liked it! The words were a little blurry almost, I couldn't understand most of it, but that kind of made it sound cooler. It's really nice!


my music lizard brain is very pleased

The sounds blended together very well to a good bed that supported and even amplified the softer lyrics. I appreciate how even though the low base would become nulled, the high base (the snapping) was still clear and kept a consistent beat throught the entirety.

It was very repetitive and simple, yes. But, that doesn't make Rainy Days any less good.

Keep up your work and your efforts will pay off. Continue, and I think you could maybe even turn this passion into something more career-worthy if you haven't yet already.


ah!! I'm so happy you guys liked it!!!
I'm uh, still kinda new to the whole music thing but I really want to improve
and yea, the vocals are pretty hard to understand but that's probably because I only used backing vocals as the main vocals
also this is pretty different to the other music I've made so far so I was kinda nervous about how it turned out oof-