forum Where the heck did Whisper go???
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ok guys, so no, I’m not dead. (…yet.) I’ve lost all my internet access and I won’t be able to come back until a few days after Labor Day in September. I’m SUPER sorry for any inconvenience or worry I have caused anyone!! I hope you all can forgive me…


If anyone else asks or has asked about me that you know of, please link them to this forum!

(I feel so bad… I’m going to see if I am allowed to buy my own laptop after I turn seventeen here soon. If that happens, I swear I will never leave for two months without saying anything, ever again.)


Hey dude, glad to hear from you! I was mostly just kind of worried, but it’s good to know you’re alright. Don’t sweat it, take your time to get your shit, and happy birthday!


Ayo! I don't know you that well, but I remember wondering where Whisper went. Glad to see you're okay!