forum Where do you find Inspiration™ for writing and stuff?
Started by @FormerPeach

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I haven't been feeling very inspired/motivated to build new worlds or even write at all lately, and was wondering where you guys find inspiration?

@HighPockets group

I try to watch or read something with an event similar to the scene I’m about to write. For example, before I write a fight scene or a tense scene in the city, I watch an episode of the Sons of Liberty miniseries because they have the same weapons my characters do.


Inspiration is weird. It just shows up whenever. But here are a few almost foolproof ways of gaining inspiration! (disclaimer, these work for me, may not work for anyone else)

  • Watch TV, read books, and listen to podcasts in your genre. The general flow of the scene might spark your interest.
  • Go outside. Take a walk. Listen in on stranger's conversations. People watch. I've done this a few times, but typically not to strangers. It works with friends/colleagues too.
  • Act out scenes. Yes, you'll look like an idiot. But it's really fun, and sometimes can help get a scene flowing. Cast yourself as all the characters and just start doing things. Mouth the dialogue dramatically. If you're injured or sad, fall into a heap and clutch the wound/sob in desperation. It's a good way to get the dialogue more natural as well, since you're basically saying it out loud.
  • Pinterest is the holy grail when it comes to writing prompts/inspiration. Just scroll through the writing prompts until you find something that gains your interest.
  • If all else fails, you've probably hit writer's block. This is a form of procrastination, where you're scared your writing just isn't good. In that case, drop your current project –at least for the time being– and free write something else. Sometimes i'll do a writing prompt, or write a backstory for a character, or write the equivalent of a fanfiction for my own book. It's fun and less constraining, so it can often help destroy writer's block.

If none of these work, slam your face into the keyboard defeatedly (sometimes I do). No shame in that lol :D


^^ Oh that reminds me of one more tip!!

  • Listen to movie or video game scores!! Can't believe I forgot this. It's what got me through NaNoWriMo. No lyrics to distract you, but soaring music that promotes both focus and productivity. I recommend final fantasy, legend of Zelda, interstellar, kingdom hearts, or any Lindsey Stirling violin covers. !!


I also recommend The Piano Guys, Taylor Davis, and Simply Three. They all do instrumental stuff. Also sometimes lyrical music can help as well, so don't cross that option out!

@HighPockets group

Also one thing that I do is I’ll make LEGO guys for my characters and act out scenes with them, or I’ll use my sister’s barbies, my Star Wars figures, etc.


Here are a few things that help me find inspiration!
#1 Watching TV shows that are similar to your writing in any number of ways, especially when it comes to genre, or all-around feeling. For me, it's anime and any adult cartoons that aren't total bullshit.
#2 Reading books that are similar to yours is great.
#3 Listening to music, as one would imagine, is a great way to find inspiration of any sort, writing while listening to music works well.
#4 Playing videogames can actually get you in the mood to write if you're up for it.
#5 Draw inspiration from the environment around you or in other places, or from people. Doing research is an excellent way of finding inspiration as well.
#6 Academics and athletics are a great source too!
#7 Religion, government, and societal issues, it seems, are the MAIN inspiration for people, anywhere, anytime.
#8 My favorite source of inspiration, is certain concepts, I love the idea of Good vs Evil, as does every person, but I like much more complicated ideas too!


Here are a few things that help me find inspiration!
#1 Watching TV shows that are similar to your writing in any number of ways, especially when it comes to genre, or all-around feeling. For me, it's anime and any adult cartoons that aren't total bullshit.
#2 Reading books that are similar to yours is great.
#3 Listening to music, as one would imagine, is a great way to find inspiration of any sort, writing while listening to music works well.
#4 Playing videogames can actually get you in the mood to write if you're up for it.
#5 Draw inspiration from the environment around you or in other places, or from people. Doing research is an excellent way of finding inspiration as well.
#6 Academics and athletics are a great source too!
#7 Religion, government, and societal issues, it seems, are the MAIN inspiration for people, anywhere, anytime.
#8 My favorite source of inspiration, is certain concepts, I love the idea of Good vs Evil, as does every person, but I like much more complicated ideas too!



Honestly, the best way to defeat writer's block that i've learned from people who know better than me is to learn how to research. You won't believe how much your creative juices start to flow once you sit down and research the elements of the scene that you're having trouble with, or even just tips on how to improve your writing in general. It may seem like endless busywork/homework in the beginning, but if you're really passionate about your craft, it's an essential thing to start to learn how to do.