forum Where did CoolCat go? A few answers.
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Okay, the user CoolCat has been compromised, and I've made a new account. I've tried reaching out ot some of you via PM, but some of you I couldn't reach. On that note, I know I have abandoned a ton of roleplays and I have rebuilt some of them, whether it be in PM or a different forum.

Deleted user

I want to get this information to @@gracehustle, but I cannot PM or @ mention them - I have a roleplay with them that I've really wanted to continue…

Deleted user

(I can forward this info to her if I see her, (i think we're in a group RP somewhere…)

Deleted user

Because of an issue, I will not be on for Summer break, but I will see what I can do. I can't guarantee anything. I'm apologizing that in all group rp's that I'm in, I will have to drop out, but I will be back, I promise. As for the one-on-ones I have with people, they'll probably have to be paused, and again, I'm sorry for that. I hope you all can understand.

@soupnana group

Oh my gosh I have found you!!!

I have been wanting to show this to you for so longggg!!!(meaning since the moment the vid came out today)

Deleted user

omg i laughed so hard when i saw that video lmaooo

@soupnana group

Saaaame! Whenever the bully kid was talking and Felix was just like, "I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU!" I DIED! Oh my gosh I was laughing so hard.

Deleted user


Deleted user

I currently have an active rp with gracehustle I could forward this to them unless you've already gotten a hold of them?

I haven't gotten to them yet, and it would be very much appreciated!

Deleted user

Heyo I got the message from @Norepinephrinxx that you were looking for me!

Hi! If you didn't know already, the CoolCat account is no longer active, and I really really really wanted to continue our competition rp.


Ok! i can go @ mention you in it and we can continue it :) I had no clue your account wasn't active anymore, that sucks

Deleted user

Hey, I just wanted to say to everyone that I won't be active over Summer vacation, and only a miracle would happen if I am. I will not be online on Monday, either.