forum When You Ignore Jesus Memes For Dank Memes
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 45 followers

Deleted user


(Is poor and is in need of memes now. Please donate memes to this poor grandpa ๐Ÿ‘ด , I'm an addict.)

@HighPockets group

I love how Jesus says 'Amen I say to you' because it basically means "I believe I say to you' it's like a kind of passive-aggressive way of saying 'listen up and focus, y'all. I know you don't get this but please try to humor me' to his disciples!!

Deleted user

Haaaaaaleeeeeeluuuujaaaaaaaaaaaah~ HaaaaleeeluuuuuuuuUUUuUuuuuuUU~jaaaaah

Deleted user

@"(In-Honor-of-CW)-Alot-Is-Not-a-Word.-You-Donโ€™t-Write-Alittle,-Abunch,-Acantaloupe,-Aporkchop-so-Donโ€™t-Write-Alot." has a Jesus, this is Waluigi.