forum Whats up with setting up capital cities and birth cities
Started by Wild

people_alt 6 followers


Hy al,

so I started the free trial where you can only have locations to build cities and like "states".
I set it up so I had my country, my state and a city, where the city was the capital in the state.
This worked fine, because everything was a "location" and a location can have a capital city which is also a location.
Also I created a character, with one of the cities (again actually a "location") being his birthplace.

After upgrading to premium I was able to create an actual city/town.
I had assumed, that I was now able to add this city to my location as the capital (or just a "notable city"), but I can't do that, because it only lets me add locations.
Same for the birthplaces of characters. I mean, sure, when he was born on some mountain it makes sense, but when we was just born in some small town, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that I can add that town as his birthplace?

Do I use towns the wrong way, don't understand something else or how does this work?

Any hint is very appreciated =)



I think it's because Towns/Countries are very new page types, and the Location page's capital and notable cities entries were put in way before those page types got made, and use other Locations. It just hasn't been updated to allow you to pick a Town instead, as far as I can tell.