forum What vibes do I give off? Be honest!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I'm wondering what I make you guys think of… Like the vibes I give off…

You give off a mixture of "Don't fuck with me", "Oh, buddy ya wanna talk about it", and "Yeee!" vibes

Gonna add some "I'm sweet, but don't mess with me." and "Don't talk to me or my adopted children ever again."


I'm wondering what I make you guys think of… Like the vibes I give off…

You give off a mixture of "Don't fuck with me", "Oh, buddy ya wanna talk about it", and "Yeee!" vibes

Gonna add some "I'm sweet, but don't mess with me." and "Don't talk to me or my adopted children ever again."

lfgsdlkjghskldjh strong agree


Shuri, you're a Hufflepuff that screams "I'm gonna kill you with this scarf I knitted!" at anyone who dares to mess with their friends


Okay I'm so confused
You're the sweetest person I've ever met, and you're a Slytherin
I took a test for the sorting hat and even though I'm a fucking dumbass I somehow got Ravenclaw??