forum What things in your real life do you draw inspiration from?
Started by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy

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I noticed a lot of writing chats on here ask what fictional stories, characters, and idea you draw inspiration from, and I was wondering if anyone else's main influences came from their real life.
I'll start by sharing mine.
I've noticed that I've based a lot off of the relationship I have with my sister. She and I are very close and Best Friends.
In my main story, my MC Ellen had a close bond with her twin sister Iris before she died, and part of her arc as a character is letting go of the still lingering grief and realizing that she can form sisterly friendships with others without replacing Iris.
In another story, my MC Arianna's main motivation is finding her sister Auriel. The story is basically about the two of them trying to stick together throughout the turmoil I put them through.
How about you guys?


I get inspiration from my friends and when I get writers block this is gonna sound creepy I look for people who have a similar relationship and watch them in public. Like a mother son relationship I’ll watch mothers with their sons


A lot of my best work was made based off of experiences I've had and the emotions tied in with them. For example I wrote a scene were my main character Breaks down because she physically cant be there for her friends and her family, she feels worthless and that came from a real experience that I had, to this day it's my favorite bit of writing I've done.