forum What's your character's fondest memory(ies)?
Started by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy

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Ellen's would be making friendship bracelets with her sister Iris.
I think Grace's would be either spending time coloring with her daughters, or when she was younger and had just moved to America and she and other immigrant friends were goofing around and singing America from West Side Story.


Nyir's favorite memory is nearly all of the memories she has with her husband. However, they are often sullied by the reality of his death. She also has fond memories of her son and her friends.
Tyfer's fondest memory is being accepted into Nyir's regiment.
Tasper's fondest memory is a tricky one, because he'll deny it. It's true though. His favorite memory is the day he met Sacia.
Sacia's fondest memory, surprisingly, is not that day. That day's a bit shameful for her. However, the laughter and secrets and teasing that followed after hold a special place in her heart.
Javi's fondest memory is the faint recollection of a time with his parents. Speaking Spanish freely, reading books about the world above, and living joyfully.