forum What's with the long usernames?
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 3 followers


Not trying to be rude or anything but why do a bunch of people have long ass usernames now? Like I can't even tell who you guys are anymore

Deleted user

xDDD oH MY LORD people stumbling over my user is the best thing.


it's cool I just honestly can't really tell the difference between you and everybody else with long usernames, other than your profile picture. But whenever that changes I just end up not being able to tell who any of you are lol

Deleted user

but wait do you rely on nicknames? cuz people just call me M's or just M.

plus i neverrrr change my profile pic from mr whembrooke ahahaha that's M btw (I hand drew my profile pic and I still really like it).


i haven't seen any significantly long users like mine

just shorter ones.


oohh I didn't know you drew your profile pic lol that's awesome. I used to draw mine but I suck at drawing, and I lost my tablet pen so I can't do any digital art

Deleted user

Thanks! I drew another but the FC members didn't like it as my new profile pic. ahhh well. And that really sucks about your tablet pen. I hope you find it.


Thanks lol. I doubt I will though, bc I'm pretty sure my baby brother took it and stashed it somewhere and nobody's going to find it for like 200 years

Deleted user

oooof that sounds terrible. if my sister did that to me it'd be instantaneous in the grave for her xD jk but i'd be mad.

@Riorlyne pets

I don’t mind long usernames, except the ones that break the site formatting for me can be frustrating. :) I think it happens just with really long names that have no spaces? For example, @Cat, when this page with your username loaded, the site auto-widened the page so your username would fit then helpfully auto-scrolled to the right for me, meaning I need to scroll left to see the posts.

Deleted user

My user isn't THAT long. It was this one time, and I myself changed it because I found it rather frustrating to do so. I made sure the only thing my user did was change the length of boxes on the forum then the website PAGE itself if that makes sense. So I actually did think it through, and my user was much longer than this.

Deleted user

Lol I changed my user which is why my user isn't long anymore
I really don't care about the length of my user though.

Deleted user

I think I might have helped cause more people to have long usernames.
I also have looooong (multiple) usernames. So now I've tried to shorten them as much as I can πŸ˜‚

@Riorlyne pets

I also have looooong (multiple) usernames. So now I've tried to shorten them as much as I can πŸ˜‚

Adding spaces works nearly as well as shortening. :) That way the text wraps.

Deleted user

I also have looooong (multiple) usernames. So now I've tried to shorten them as much as I can πŸ˜‚

Adding spaces works nearly as well as shortening. :) That way the text wraps.

Yeah, as well as commas :)

Deleted user

I don't think periods work on my phone when it comes to text wrapping. :(

Deleted user

wait i'm confused cuz i'm an idiot what's text wrapping